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Kyle Chua

Singapore Continues To Lag Behind in Mobile Network Speed

Singapore's mobile network speeds could use some improvement, if Ookla's latest survey is to be believed.

Credit: Wix

The network intelligence group's Speedtest Global Index for December 2022 ranks Singapore as 19th in the world for mobile networks, with an average download speed of 79.58mbps and an average upload speed of 15.91mbps. While the city-state climbed two spots from last month, the data still puts it behind other Asian countries and fellow ASEAN member Brunei, which recorded an average download speed of 98.25mbps.

Qatar sits at the top, with an average speed of 169.51mbps. It's followed by the United Arab Emirates with 153.09mbps, Norway with 128.14mbps, South Korea with 122.55mbps and Denmark with 119.55mbps.

The Southeast Asian island also failed to crack the top 10 fastest countries for mobile internet for 2022.

Still, Singapore's average mobile network download and upload speeds are still higher than that of the world's, which cap at 36.74mbps and 9.66mbps, respectively.

Then again, perhaps it would be more appropriate to compare Singapore to other cities instead of countries, considering its relatively small size and scope.

Singapore also recorded an average mobile network latency of 17ms.

Credit: Ookla

For fixed broadband, meanwhile, Singapore is the one to beat, ranking the first in the world, with an average download speed of 225.71mbps and an average upload speed of 191.76mbps. That's well above the world average of 75.18mbps for download and 32.52mbps for upload.

China's download speeds aren't far behind Singapore's, recording an average of 223.49mbps. It's followed by Chile with 220.96mbps, United Arab Emirates with 206.12mbps and Hong Kong with 201.79mbps.

Singapore also recorded an average fixed broadband latency of 4ms.

Ookla says countries must have at least 300 unique user results for mobile or fixed broadband to be ranked in either category.

  • Ookla's Speedtest Global Index for December 2022 ranks Singapore as 19th in the world for mobile networks, with an average download speed of 79.58mbps.

  • The data puts it behind other Asian countries and fellow ASEAN member Brunei, which recorded an average download speed of 98.25mbps.

  • For fixed broadband, meanwhile, Singapore is the one to beat, ranking the first in the world, with an average download speed of 225.71mbps and an average upload speed of 191.76mbps.

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