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Circuit Breaker Phase 2: Tech Starter Kit – Singapore

Cheryl Tan

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

Written by Sheena Mak/Cheryl Tan

We are almost into the 2nd week of Singapore’s phase 2 circuit breaker. With all the information bombarded at us to download the many apps, websites, links or groups to join, which of these apps are truly essential for phase 2? has created a Phase 2 Tech Starter Pack list where you can find the most important applications and websites to utilise during Phase 2.

TraceTogether App

The TraceTogether App is designed to supplement current contact tracing efforts to help stop the spread of COVID-19 through community-driven contact tracing. It works by exchanging short-distance Bluetooth signals between phones to detect nearby phones with the app installed, tracking users in close proximity including timestamps.

If you don’t have it installed yet, the app is available for iOS Users and for Android Users.

SingPass Mobile – Safe Entry QR Code Scanner

SafeEntry is a national digital check-in system that logs the NRIC and mobile number of individuals visiting public places and workplaces. This helps with contact tracing and identification of Covid-19 clusters, preventing and controlling the transmission through activities.

Credit: SafeEntry

Individuals can check-in and out either by using the SingPass Mobile App to scan a QR code using the SafeEntry Check-In function or scanning a QR Code displayed at the venue and keying in personal particulars.

Tip: Remember to check the ‘Remember my credentials’ box to avoid the hassle of keying in the information again!

The last option is to carry any identification card with a barcode (NRIC/Passion Card/PG Card/ Driver’s Licence/Student Pass or Work Permit) what will be scanned by staff manning the counters at malls and such.


Credit: SpaceOut

Heading out for meals or going to the supermarkets for a quick grocery run? Visit, a website that provides users with the latest regular updates on the crowd levels in malls, supermarkets, markets and post offices across Singapore.

Credit: SpaceOut

This can help Singaporeans better make informed decisions on where and when to head out for essential items while avoiding crowded areas.


On top of just downloading these applications or visiting these sites, there are some important links and websites you should take note of to receive accurate and timely Government updates and information.

Official MOH Announcements & Daily Cases Update

Everybody should try to keep up with announcements from our Ministry of Health, seeing as things could change at any minute. And what better way to get your updates than through their official website? This way, you won’t have to question if the information is fake or reliable.

Alternatively, you can join or subscribe to channels on messaging apps like Telegram and WhatsApp. These channels are also run by the government, so no fake news there!

COVID-19 Symptoms Checker


In the worst-case scenario where you might be feeling unwell or experiencing COVID-like symptoms, you can visit this website to check your symptoms and get personalised advice on your next steps:

Safe Distance @ Parks

Safe Distance @ Parks is a real-time map launched by NParks where citizens can monitor and track crowd levels at the various parks across the country. On the webpage, visitors can see the crowd status differentiated by three colours: orange (high), yellow (moderate) and green (low). Heading to the park for a workout or taking a stroll? Visit their website to see if your preferred park is crowded!

Tip: Try to avoid parks with large crowds, go to parks indicated in Green.

Let’s all do our part and practice safe distancing measures, stay safe and stay connected!

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